Sanjay Jogia Award Winning Photographer
Sanjay Jogia

Woman (Quelle: Sanjay Jogia )
Sanjay Jogia Award Winning Photographer
‘Sanjay Jogia’, an internationally acclaimed, award-winning photographer, based in London’s historic Harrow Hill, has been featured as one of the World’s 6 Best Wedding Photographers by the global ‘Professional Photographer Magazine’.
‘Sanjay Jogia’, an internationally acclaimed, award-winning photographer, based in London’s historic Harrow Hill, has been featured as one of the World’s 6 Best Wedding Photographers by the global ‘Professional Photographer Magazine’.
Sanjay is known for his unconventional creativity in a timeless style, and he travels the world as a Photographer, Educator, Mentor, Judge and Brand Ambassador. His wedding images are a blend of ‘Reality’ & ‘Fantasy’ - a fashion and movie inspired approach using lighting and posing techniques which are balanced with a sensitive portrait-like documentary approach giving his wedding clients the best of both worlds.
Sanjay has won over 100 Print Competition Awards and is now privileged to be invited regularly as a Judge & Chair for the largest photography competitions in the world with First Places at both WPPI and SWPP in 2022. He has a Fellowship with the SWPP & BIPP, a WPPI Master and is also an Associate of The British Photography Awards.
Sanjay actively represented the British Wedding and Events Industry with his participation in the UK Government Taskforce for Weddings in two of the 8 Working Groups to gain government support in the wake of the Global Pandemic following a year of industry wide neglect and continues to support and uplift his peers and clients alike in his true altruistic style.
Article By Roberto Magni and Daniela Comi By Foto ReD Photographic Agency (ReD Magazine)
weitere Informationen: https://www.redmagazine.red
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